- Alan Turing: 圖靈
- Alan Kay: Smalltalk 設計者、物件導向程式設計之父
- Brendan Burns: K8s
- Carl Hewitt: Actor Model 的創作者
- Scala 開發的電信級框架:Akka
- Doug Lea: Java 領域的專家,著名的 Java Concurrent Collection 的作者,這些 Java 原始碼都看得到他的名字。
- Donald Knuth: 演算法, The Art of Computer Programming
- Dennis Ritchie: Unix, B language, Turing Award from the ACM in 1983
- Dijkstra: 荷蘭計算機科學家, 全名 Edsger Wybe Dijkstra, 1930-2002.
- 提出 最短路徑演算法,或稱 Dijkstra’s algorithm、Dijkstra’s Shortest Path First Algorithm)
- 作業系統的資源分配而提出的 銀行家演算法 (Banker’s Algorithm),避免 Deadlock.
- Diego Ongaro: Raft
- Elon Musk
- Erich Gamma: Design Pattern, GoF, Eclipse / VSCode Architect
- Eric Allman: Sendmail
- Eric Brewer: CAP Theorem
- Frederick P. Brooks, Jr.: OS/360
- Grady Booch: UML
- Ivar Jacobson: UML
- Linus Torvalds: Linux
- Leslie Lamport: Latex, Paxos, Theory of distributed systems, Logical clocks, Chandy-Lamport algorithm
- John McCarthy: Lisp, AI
- James Rumbaugh: UML
- James Gosling: Java 開發者
- Ken Thompson: Unix
- Kent Beck: extreme programming (XP)
- Larry Page: PageRank (Google)
- Marshall Kirk McKusick: FreeBSD
- Mike Burrows: Google Chubby (Distributed Lock)
- Martin Fowler: Code Refactoring, Manifesto for Agile Software Development
- John Ousterhout: Raft
- Peter Deutsch: Fallacies of distributed computing (分散式系統的謬論)
- Simon Tatham: Putty
- Timothy J. Berners-Lee: World Wide Web, HTTP, TCP, Domain Names
- Werner Vogels: Dynamo, Eventually Consistent
- Yukihiro Matsumoto: Ruby
- Vinton G. Cerf: TCP/IP
- Whitfield Diffie: Public-key cryptography, Asymmetric-key algorithms
- https://www.rasmussen.edu/degrees/technology/blog/famous-computer-scientists-who-impacted-the-industry/
- https://thebestschools.org/features/most-influential-computer-scientists/